The Attention Monthly: Stellar shelter VTR results & Ozone's better future for digital advertising

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April’s issue of The Attention Monthly is here with all the latest news and insights from the Ozone team

The Attention Monthly, The Ozone Project’s monthly newsletter, returns in April with a Q2 opener that features an absolute belter of a campaign case study for the charity, Shelter, PLUS all the latest from the Ozone team.

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In issue 8, a trio of Ozone experts deliver thought leadership into the future of digital advertising and insight into how a number of key categories are responding to a post-pandemic world:

  • First, our CTO Scott distills his thoughts on what the demise of third-party cookies means for premium environments in this piece - originally written as a WARC exclusive

  • Second, our senior strategist Frances - in her MediaCat Magazine debut - assesses the mood of the nation as the UK’s third national lockdown thaws and consumers' confidence returns

  • And thirdly, Ozone's careers insights became the focus of a recent Crunch Digital Media webinar featuring our agency sales partner Joel

PLUS there are three £100 gift cards up for grabs in our Pay Attention Pay Day competition. All you need to do is read issue 8 of The Attention Monthly and then correctly answer three questions about the newsletter for your chance to win.

Read issue 8 of The Attention Monthly here and play our Pay Attention Pay Day competition here.

In case you missed it…

Previous issues of The Attention Monthly can be read at the links below: